Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tear down or Build up? You decide.

As I have been following the republican debates as well as the different candidates speeches I have noticed a slight change in the way they are approaching their arguments.  Really its nothing too new, I just thought it would be nice to get it out in the open.  Often times in politics we see that there is one of two options when running against someone else; either you tear them down or you build yourself up.  The question is which one is better to do?  To me there is no question, no matter who the candidate is my respect immediately goes down when someone answers a question or just comes out and starts to speak negatively about another candidate instead of showing me what they themselves have to offer.  I don't care what the other person has done wrong or is doing wrong, at that moment what I want to know is why I should choose the candidate I am watching or listening to for President.

Often times candidates get stuck in this way of thinking that if they are being attacked they must attack back instead of simply defending themselves and then moving on to why they would be the best choice.  Unfortunately that is what is beginning to happen right now in the G.O.P. for the republicans.  Mitt Romney and Rick Perry are continually at each others throats and it seems one can't speak unless they through in at least one negative thing about the other.  To this I say stop telling me about the other person and tell me about yourself.

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