Thursday, December 8, 2011

How serious is Newt?

Newt Gingrich is still leading in the polls following the recent ads and campaigning that has been going on, but how serious is he about really getting into the white house?  While his top competitors are out campaigning and doing their best to show why they are the one who deserves the white house, Gingrich has been pushing his book.  He has been going around doing book signings instead of campaigning.  While his campaign still sits in debt, none of the money from the books goes towards his campaign, rather it all goes into the bank account of Mr. and Mrs. Gingrich.  Therefore people from both parties are wondering whether Newt Gingrich is in this for the right reasons.  No one in the past has been seen to be out signing and pushing their books while campaigning as a top candidate.  Some of the people who are lower in the standings and really don't stand a shot are known to have done such things, but surely no one that has become President.  It shines a bad light on the one who is running because it makes them look like they care more about money then about the Presidency, and that is a good question to ask about Newt.

Although Mitt has dropped in the polls he is actually looking quite good still because most of the delegates seem to really like them and they all seem to be in full support.  It seems to me that Mitt Romney is the obvious choice due to the fact that he seems like the only one capable and comprable enough to run a country.  Like I have said before we can't just look for someone to beat out our old President, instead we need someone who will be a great new President.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Gingrich Needs Money and Romney Needs Support.

While we are only a short time away from the beginning election, Newt Gingrich who has recently sky rocketed to the top of the polls however he is in trouble because while everyone else is out campaigning and scrapping for votes he is having to now hold events so that he can get more money.  He is running very low and so just today he was in Manhatten holding a fundraiser while most other candidates are in Iowa campaigning.  He says that he will be alright and it seems that way because of his last position as speaker of the house he seems to have some very good connections with people who will be able to help him.  He has already made some good money just off this one event, but that does not seem to be his only problem.  Now that he is at the top everyone is picking him apart and they are not too sure about some of his bold statements that he makes.  For example many times he will make an offensive comment that seems way out there so then he will have to take time out to explain what he meant and he can not continue with a solid base like he would like.
Mitt Romney on the other hand is having no problems whatsoever with money, in fact he has the most out of anyone right now and just has to make sure that he spends the right amount in each place.  However he is struggling to keep up with some of the popular votes.  Many governors and other high powered men like his stance and want him, but for some reason the people still seem to be seeking else where.  I can not help but see this as either him not being able to connect to the people or an actual bias against Mitt because of his religion.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Herman is Done!

Just one week ago I was at home watching a late night show with David Letterman hosting.  On the show Herman Cain was the guest and was being asked all sorts of questions about his campaign.  After much banter and fun finally one of the main questions came up.  Letterman said "Herman are you really in this for good or is this another Donald Trump show."  Meaning are you really going to stick with this presidency or do you just think this is fun and you want to become a celebrity of sorts.  Herman Cain responded by saying that whatever he enters he does it for good and doesn't not quit.
Well today Saturday the 3 of December Herman Cain came out and said that he is officially calling it quits on his campaign.  He said he will be suspending his Presidential campaign due to the emotional toll it is taking on him and his family.  He says that all of these accusations about him sexually harassing women, and then having a thirteen year affair with another women is simply not true.  It is too detrimental to his image and popularity that he has chosen to remove himself from the race and still work on getting his ideas through in politics just in a different manner.  He says he is not quitting because he is weak or can't do it and that he will continue to be a major force in politics.
I think that many people saw this coming when they realized the controversy that Herman Cain was caught up in.  Eventually it catches up with you and there is just no way out.  It was time that he took a seat, now that he created his stir in politics and had his time in the lime light, even being at the top of the polls for a short time there.  We will always appreciate Cain for the way he brought up topics of importance and his straightforward answers, however I think it is best that he has left the race.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Republican leaders still torn.

Reading today about the latest in the republican debates and also in the campaigns, I have seen not only a lot of indecision but also a lack of understanding what the end goal is.  The end goal of choosing the best candidate possible in the Republican party is to have them be the best president possible at this time.  It seems that many people are just searching for someone, anyone who will beat out President Barak Obama. But what will it matter if the next president is republican but he can't govern!  It makes no sense to replace President Obama with someone who is going to try and overturn everything and make things just as bad in the United States.  We want the best person for presidency not just the best person to beat Obama.  For some reason Republicans still are having a problem getting behind Mitt Romney.  It is getting to the point of being quite absurd.  If people could come out and give good reasons why Romney would be a bad president then I would pay more attention.  However as far as I can see no one has been able to tell me why Mitt Romney would be a bad president.
Republicans are looking for anyone to come in and be better but they have yet to find anyone.  Newt Gingrich is the one now that they are trying to turn to, however people feel uneasy as to his past.  He has had three unstable marriages and also people are not sure how strongly he will keep his republican views.  For example just a little while back he was associated with Freddie Mac and that will definatly leave him politically vulnerable.
To me there is no question not only is Romney right now the best Republican candidate, but he would be the next best President.