Monday, December 5, 2011

Gingrich Needs Money and Romney Needs Support.

While we are only a short time away from the beginning election, Newt Gingrich who has recently sky rocketed to the top of the polls however he is in trouble because while everyone else is out campaigning and scrapping for votes he is having to now hold events so that he can get more money.  He is running very low and so just today he was in Manhatten holding a fundraiser while most other candidates are in Iowa campaigning.  He says that he will be alright and it seems that way because of his last position as speaker of the house he seems to have some very good connections with people who will be able to help him.  He has already made some good money just off this one event, but that does not seem to be his only problem.  Now that he is at the top everyone is picking him apart and they are not too sure about some of his bold statements that he makes.  For example many times he will make an offensive comment that seems way out there so then he will have to take time out to explain what he meant and he can not continue with a solid base like he would like.
Mitt Romney on the other hand is having no problems whatsoever with money, in fact he has the most out of anyone right now and just has to make sure that he spends the right amount in each place.  However he is struggling to keep up with some of the popular votes.  Many governors and other high powered men like his stance and want him, but for some reason the people still seem to be seeking else where.  I can not help but see this as either him not being able to connect to the people or an actual bias against Mitt because of his religion.

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