Wednesday, November 2, 2011


With the dust starting to settle from all of the republican debates that have happened over the past few weeks we are starting to see what the main focuses are and what the people of America want.  One of the major key points is who will best help the economy and how?  Herman Cain has come up with a flat tax plan of 9-9-9.  He says it will be a nine percent income tax, a nine percent sales tax, and a nine percent business tax.  While he is pushing hard for this plan almost all the other candidates agree that this is a plan that will not work.  They say that in the end the middle and lower classes will be paying much more in taxes then less.  The nine percent sales tax gives the federal government another way to tax the American people therefore many are starting to disagree with Cain on his way of thinking about taxes.
However Economy is not based purely on taxes.  Other issues that have been brought up are; creating jobs by allowing companys to come and drill for oil and other energy solutions here in America.  This is what Governor Perry is pushing for.  Saying that if we allow America to become energy independent we will create more jobs for more people.
Mitt Romney agrees with Perry but has even taken it a step further in saying that we need to create more technical jobs as well as more energy jobs.  We need more manufacturing jobs and businesses created.  These are all great ideas.  But will these candidates actually follow through?  This is what we hope to here in the upcoming orlando

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