Friday, November 25, 2011

Foreign Policy

On November 12, 2011 a republican debate was held on foreign policy.  The candidates were asked specific questions based on what was going on in the world today and what there stance would be on these issues.  A few of these issues were as follows: (1) Torture, (2) Iran gaining nuclear power, (3) Pakistan.  Starting with torture the candidates were asked their position on whether or not they would allow torture to get vital information out of men they capture on the battlefield.  Torture is illegal right now and the latest update was that of water boarding which was made illegal just recently by President Obama.  I was suprised to learn that most of the candidates said they would implement water boarding as a means to get the information they needed and were not afraid to use torture.  This suprised me because I think that if it is a national illegal procedure why are we saying that we would make it legal for us.  The candidate that I was most impressed with on this specific topic was Ron Paul because he stood up for what he believed in and went against all the other candidates saying he did not believe in torture and that it was wrong.
Another huge issue was Iran gaining a nuclear war head.  Many of the candidates agreed this was a bad idea and that it was our job to stop them from gaining a nuclear war head.  Except once again Ron Paul as well as Jon Huntsman.  I really agreed with Huntsman on this issue who said that we should focus on building our economy here at home and becoming a stronger nation and a smarter nation then spending money trying to control and nation build.
The last issue discussed was that of what to do with Pakistan.  Do we build alliances further or do we cut all ties?  Should we keep troops in the middle east or bring them home?  Again I agreed with Governor Huntsman who said bring most of our troops home.  Keep some there to help the people but in the most part bring people home and lets start looking inside our own nation.  How can we help the people here in America who are going hungry and are not getting enough?  We must become strong ourselves before we can lift others up.

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