Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Leaders taking a hit.

Lately the big leaders of the republican party nomination have been taking hard hits not only from each other but also from the Obama administration.  To start out there is Herman Cain and the scandals that have come out against him.  Then there is the question as to what Romney really believes and if he will stick with his views throughout the presidency.  Thirdly perry took a hard hit from the name of his ranch in Texas.
To start out there have been many women that have come forward and said that Herman Cain had either made a pass at them sexually or actually tried to have sex with them.  Cain denied these and said that these were just people trying to get him to look bad and drop out, but he wasn't taking it.  However just this week a women came out and said that her and Herman have been having a thirteen year affair!  Cain denied this, however just two hours after he denied this his lawyer came out and said that whatever Cain did in his personal life that didn't relate to politics and if the women agreed as well, then it was no ones business.  Basically confirming the affair.  Now rumor has it that Cain will be dropping out of the race.
Romney has also been taking hits, especially from the Obama campaign saying that he is a flip-flopper and that he will not stay consistent in his policies.  However Romney says that he did change his mind on a few things however he is now made his decisions and will stick to them.
Another big scandal was when people found out that Rick Perry's ranch in texas was named "nigger head ranch".  However he has been able to recover somewhat and push it under the rug.
With so many of the main runners taking hits, others are gaining in the polls especially Newt Gingrich who was otherwise unheard of early on, but hasn't really had too many controversies.  Hopefully we can see the republican party unite and choose the best candidate for the party and for the presidency.

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